Jonathan Caliguire
Hi, I'm Jon! I'm a photographer, film maker, designer, musician, writer, and adventurer based in Boulder Colorado. All of these skills and passions of mine are my methods of coping with the brilliant stories that I have witnessed and heard over the course of my life. My two great callings in life are story telling and space creating. Stories to heal and inspire, spaces to connect people to each other and to God’s loving presence in them.
Helping people express themselves more fully through all of these mediums is my goal in all of my work. My hope is that these stories will connect us to one another, to see that we all have more in common than we once thought.
As a creative, it is my great joy and privilege to help people celebrate and remember some of their most sacred moments in life. No matter the context, I aim to make the creative process and capturing process feel effortless, playful and anything but cookie cutter.
Why “Eyelights”?
This is quite a multifaceted name.
From a photography standpoint, I’ve always taken interest to the role that people’s eyes play in a composition and the way they seem to illuminate everything else going on in a portrait.
The name also speaks to my most core life philosophy.
Matthew 26:22-23 says “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!”
I have resolved to see the people and the world around me in view of the light, rather than the darkness or evil that might be present. I have found this to vastly impact the way I treat myself and others. Instead of striving to change selfish or hurtful behaviors in myself, I have found that seeking a greater awareness or conciseness of beauty and goodness produces far more fruit, almost purely as a bi-product.
Finally, a big piece of feedback members of my family (including myself) has received, often from strangers and especially during seasons of our lives where we are really living out of health and confidence, is that there is an appearance of a flashing light in our eyes. I’ve noticed this in others too. I bet you’ve seen someone with that light in their eyes too. Maybe you’ve even been able to see that in yourself. I think it’s the signature of a soul that’s seen itself truly held, and truly loved, and truly good, and believed in what it saw.
What People are Saying
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